Monday, October 5, 2009

Inspiring short film-commercial of a deaf-mute's journey to learn classical music... remember Helen Keller?

Sometimes, all it needs for a student is the drive and ambition--if in possession of these, learning is a stepping stone towards a greater dream. Having the right motivation is enough for some students to pursue academic excellence, such as helping the family, or personal fulfillment. In the video, the student struggles to learn a classical piece of music, in spite of her disability. Although a hundred times harder for her, she put in her best effort and passion into her music.


Helen Keller, a deaf-mute-blind managed to learn how to read with the help of her teacher, Annie Sullivan. Her first word learnt was "water," wherein the letters of the word were finger-written in her palm while the water flowed over her hand. Later on, she progressed to the words "ball," her own name, her teacher's name, among others. What seemed impossible proved surmountable, little by little, word by word. In a few years she was learning braille, and became a teacher herself to others like her. Of course, her path to education would not exist if not for a teacher who lived her profession nobly. She poured in patience, her own determination, and love, yes love, for teaching, and compassion to Helen. Without her dedication, Helen would not be what she became under the tutelage of Annie Sullivan. It is also then true that with people around us who care enough to help us learn and be educated in the truest sense of the word with the right values and concepts, we can succeed. No man is an island. Remember Helen Keller? A truly worthy story of inspiration.


I'd like to add that for Michael Phelps, 8-gold medal record holder in a single Olympics (Beijing, 2008) in swimming, the biggest challenge for him is when people say that he can't possibly do it. He became motivated to go faster than the guy next to him in the pool whenever he read in news and magazine articles derogatory statements on his aquatic capabilities. Instead of letting these bring him down, he used it to prepare himself for the biggest competition of his life. In reality, the only barriers around us are our own mentality. We can reach excellence if we have the right mindset and we can learn anything if we are truly determined to do so.

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