Thursday, December 3, 2009

Reading, anyone?

Reading is a grossly underrated activity, given the growing illiteracy rate in the Philippines. But looking at the statistics, READING HELPS BUILD BETTER INDIVIDUALS. Those people with higher education, meaning having read more books in their lives, accomplish more, and are more satisfied with their current status in life. These people also are the ones more open to new things, changes for the better, absorption of new ways and lifestyles which benefit society.

Just refer to our national heroes--Jose Rizal was an avid reader, and his knowledge has led him to reach new heights in his principles and advocacies. How about Andres Bonifacio, the great plebeian? You'd be surprised to know that upon reading his biography, he read books as a hobby during his pre-Katipunan days. Although having stepped the highest in elementary school only, he practiced his reading skills, and his interests lay mostly in key people in revolutions within Asia and in other non-Asian countries. It was narrated that he'd read before he slept at night, with the revolutionaries and their ideas as bedtime company.

This link is all about a little boy who's language skills have surpassed his class, through the help of READING. And his teacher learns of it through an unexpected situation. He may have also won the (then) love of his life's heart.

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